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Performance Management


The annual performance review process sets the foundation aligning the individual’s efforts with the university’s goals for the coming year and is reliant on the level of engagement of both the supervisor and employee.

  • By linking individual employee work efforts with the institution’s mission and objectives, the employee understands how their job contributes to the overall success of department and the University.
  • By focusing attention on setting clear performance expectations it helps the employee know what needs to be done to be successful on the job.
  • Through regular check-in discussions, which include status updates, coaching, and feedback, it promotes flexibility, allowing the supervisor and the employee to identify problems early and change the course of a project or work assignment.

This process is an opportunity for employees to partner with their supervisors to establish goals and manage performance through frequent and ongoing review and feedback.  The communication process includes clarifying expectations, setting objectives, identifying goals, providing feedback, and reviewing results.

When done well, the performance review process results in both parties having a(n):

  • Shared set of expectations for the year.
  • Clear understanding of performance and progress toward goals throughout the year.
  • Opportunity to strengthen their working relationship through regular discussions.
  • Ability to directly impact the success of the department and Institution.
  • Commitment to focus on the personal and career development of the employee.

Starting this year, we are pleased to announce the introduction of a new initiative: the 360 feedback process.

  • Supervisors will have the opportunity to request performance feedback from colleagues of their employees who regularly interact with them as part of their job responsibilities. This addition aims to provide a more comprehensive and insightful perspective on each individual’s performance within their respective teams.
  • To facilitate this process, supervisors are encouraged to solicit recommendations from their colleagues before formally requesting feedback. This proactive step ensures a focused approach and guarantees that the feedback collected is both constructive and relevant.
  • A dedicated 360 feedback form has been created to streamline the process and ensure consistency in the feedback collected. This form will serve as a guiding tool for respondents, helping them provide detailed and actionable feedback.

At Clark all employees are expected to exhibit the core values of the institution that are imbedded in the University’s mission and Administrative and Staff Compact.

For Employees

Employees are strongly encouraged to prepare and submit a self-assessment for the prior year in advance of their formal performance review meeting with their supervisor.  The intent of the self-assessment form is for employees to provide their supervisor with a reflective assessment of their performance over the past year that highlights accomplishments and strengths; recognizes areas of growth and acknowledges challenges; and, if applicable, identifies goals for the next year.  This will allow supervisors to be better prepared for the in-person meetings and better able to integrate an employee’s achievements, challenges, and goals into the final performance review.

Additionally, employees with a regular hybrid or remote modality are required to annually review the Remote Work and Telecommuting Policy and, submit the Alternative Work Arrangement Agreement Remote, Telecommuting and/or Flextime Request form to their supervisor for approval.

For Supervisors

The role of the supervisor is to set expectations, gather data, and provide ongoing feedback to their employees to assist them in utilizing their skills, expertise and ideas in a way that produces results.

Supervisors are required to meet with and prepare a written performance review for all regular full- and part-time employees hired before January 1, 2024.

Supervisors should refer to the Top Tips for Conducting Successful Performance Evaluations, the Administrative and Staff Compact, and LinkedIn Learning prior to completing performance reviews for employees.


LinkedIn Learning is an on-demand video platform that provides resources to members of the campus community with free access to video tutorials on a variety of custom learning content. Employees can access LinkedIn Learning through the ClarkYOU portal. Please log into your LinkedIn account to access the links below.

Supervisors and employees are encouraged to utilize LinkedIn Learning as a resource to:

Process and Timeline

2024 Forms

Please review the Remote Work and Telecommuting Policy  before completing the Alternative Work Arrangement Agreement form.

Self-Evaluation, Performance Review, and Alternative Work Arrangement Agreement  forms are also located on the Human Resource Materials Portal

Submitting Forms

A dedicated  email has been created where supervisors will submit the completed forms to Human Resources, preferably for every employee in their unit at the same time.

All self-assessments and performance reviews must be submitted no later than Friday,  August 9, 2024.


TuesdayMay 28Launch of annual employee performance review process
Monday-FridayJune 10 – June 14Supervisors schedule employee performance review meetings to begin the week of May 27th
FridayJune 21Deadline for employees to submit completed Self-Assessment and Goal Setting Form to supervisors
WednesdayJune 26Employee performance review meetings begin
Monday – WednesdayJuly 1 – July 3Employee performance review meetings continue
Monday-FridayJuly 8 – July 12Employee performance review meetings continue
Monday-FridayJuly 15 – July 19Employee performance review meetings continue
Monday-FridayJuly 22  – July 26Employee performance review meetings continue
Monday-FridayJuly 29 – August 2Employee performance review meetings end
Monday-FridayAugust 5 – August 9Supervisors complete outstanding employee performance review meetings
FridayAugust 9Completed employee Self Assessment & Goal Setting and Performance Review Forms due in Human Resources

For any questions regarding the process please email or call 508-793-7294.

Contact Information

Office of Human Resources and Organizational Excellence

Office Location

Geography Building
3rd Floor
950 Main Street
Worcester MA 01610

1-508-793-7294 Human Resources

1-508-793-7438 Payroll

1-508-793-8809 Fax

For Employment Verifications please email